
30 June: slow growing, compact, scrawny, plants too small to have big impact, not vigorous, good color.

15 July: spotty leaves, small plants, leaves look diseased, too compact and low growing, sunburnt, stunted, hasn't grown much, not attractive, just don't look good this year.

30 July: not much growth, performed poorly in sun, too low to the ground, very short, unimpressive, nonuniform, leaves bleached, nice light color of foliage, a smaller green sun coleus is good.

15 Aug: unimpressive, short, holes, nice green/yellow color, unique color, good coverage.

30 Aug: don't like the color, bright color, good coverage, small stature, great with petunia Lavender Skies, washed out.

15 Sept: no flowers (good), boring color, foliage browning.